HW12: Mythical Man Month
I found Brooks’ detailing of what he calls the “joys of the craft” to be quite relatable because I’ve experienced what he talked about in all of my programming classes so far, especially the section about the “sheer joy of making things.” I had never programmed anything before attending college, so when I successfully coded my first Python program I felt excited, and it’s satisfying now to be able to look back and see how my programming skills have evolved over time. I also found his section about the “woes of the craft” to be spot on with what I have gone through in my programming classes. Having no prior experience in programming, the learning curve for me was steep. There have been times where I understood a concept immediately and implemented it in a program and times where I stayed up late into the morning trying to comprehend something. For me, the labor certainly has been painstakingly tedious at times, but as B...