
Showing posts from October, 2019

HW15: Chapter 15

15.10.  The reuse of software raises a number of copyright and intellectual property issues. If a ­customer pays a software contractor to develop a system, who has the right to reuse the developed code? Does the software contractor have the right to use that code as a basis for a generic component? What payment mechanisms might be used to reimburse providers of reusable components? ­Discuss these issues and other ethical issues associated with the reuse of software.               I think that the right to reuse any developed code should be made explicitly clear at the beginning of any contract made between any two parties. The one developing the code or system needs to specify how it is to be used by the one purchasing it, as it is their intellectual property to begin with. If the contractor seeks to copyright their system beforehand, then they would have sole permission for allowing others to reuse their work. ...

HW14: Testing Reflections

I found the author’s opening statement that testing accounts for half of the labor involved in building software to be quite surprising. It sounded just as obscure as Brooks’ rule of thumb that coding should only take 1/6 of a project’s time. Due to the coding habits I had developed in previous courses, I had always thought that writing code would make up a majority of the time spent on a software project. I strongly agree with the author’s opening assertion that very few people actually enjoy testing. I haven’t met anyone yet who actually enjoys testing software, and reflecting back on my previous classes, I can definitely say that testing and debugging my projects was the most frustrating part of any assignment. One part of the text that really stood out to me was then the author stated that “The statistics show that programming, done well, will still have one to three bugs per hundred statements.” That sounds like no matter how skilled a team or even an individual programmer...

HW13: Chapter 8

8.7.  Write a scenario that could be used to help design tests for the wilderness weather station system. Bob works for a wilderness weather system in New Orleans, Louisiana. He begins his days at work by logging into the weather system and makes a request for the weather data to be uploaded to a satellite. One of the things that the weather system is supposed to record is the air temperature, however, one day Bob notices that the system reported that an area that was usually hot had a temperature of 0. He uses the method for restarting weather system instruments and now the system is correctly reporting the temperature. 8.10.  A common approach to system testing is to test the system until the testing budget is exhausted and then deliver the system to customers. Discuss the ethics of this approach for systems that are delivered to external customers.             To me, it would be unethical to base system te...